Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Reminder about Earth Hour

Hello students and parents,
On March 27 at 8:30 pm, millions of people around the world will come together and turn off their lights for an hour to make a statement about their concern for climate change. It’s our responsibility to lessen the amount of energy we consume on a daily basis to protect our future and future generations. To learn more about how Earth Hour click here.
Let's work together and turn off our lights, televisions, computers and radios for one hour on March 27th. 

Take care,
Ms. Nicitopoulos

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Dear students and parents,

Welcome students and parents to our grade 5 cyber classroom! I would like to thank you all for visiting. Our cyber classroom  has been set up to inform students and parents about current events, activities, announcements, and course material related to the grade 5 classroom. I have  attached a variety of safe links suitable for both students and parents to explore during the school year. I encourage each you to visit this site frequently since information will be posted regularly. I am excited to begin embark on this journey with everyone and  having a fantastic school year. 

Best regards,
Ms. Nicitopoulos
Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.

~John Dewey

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